Friday, April 15, 2011

Activating Style Panel

Activating Style panel is a good practice and recommended by many Word 2007 and 2010 professionals as it is very helpful during your Word 2010 creation. In Style panel, you can see all the styles available in the existing opened document. Default styles brought by Word or styles you have created yourself will all be displayed. So, when you want apply a particular style, you just need to place your mouse cursor on the text to which you want apply the style and click the style name in your Style panel. And when you place your mouse cursor on any text in your document, the style the text is using will be surrounded by a blue-colored box on the style panel.

To activate (expand) or inactivate the Style panel:

  1. Click the small arrow on the right bottom of the Style box as shown on the image (under Home menu)
  2. Once expanded, drag that Style panel to the most right of your screen so it will fit into its position on the right of your document window.
  3. Select or unselect the box next to Show Preview on the lower left corner of the Style Panel and see the difference
  4. Click the arrow once more to inactivate the Style panel or the cross sign (x) on that panel.


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