Saturday, September 4, 2010

How to create your thesis with Word 2007 and 2010: Step 4 - How to Create Your Thesis Chapter Heading

We will now start learning how to create a thesis with Word 2007 or 2010. This post will tell how you to create your chapter names using Heading facility provided by Microsoft Word 2007 or 2010. For this time, we will use the default Heading style available in Microsoft Office Word 2007 or 2010.

With the Heading style applied to all chapters, your chapter will look very consistent throughout the document. Also, the use of Heading will help you much in the creation of your academic documents because you can easily create a Table of Contents later with only a few clicks.

  1. Now open a blank, new document in your Microsoft Word 2007 or 2010
  2. Type in the names of your chapters, one line each. You do not need to type 'Chapter' because this will be done via the Heading style modification. Just type in the name, for example Introduction, Literature Reviews, Materials and Methods, Result and Discussion, and Conclusion such as in the following
  3. Expand Style panel by clcking the small arrow on the bottom right corner of Style ribbon (under Home menu)
  4. You can see some styles in that dropped down panel by default, including Heading 1 and Heading 2. Bring your cursor to each one of the above texts, and on the Style panel click Heading 1 until all the texts have appearances according to attributes of Heading 1 style.You can also do this by first selecting all the texts and then click the Heading 1.
  5. Now type in sub chapters under each of the main chapters.
  6. Like for Heading 1, select all the sub chapters under each chapter and then click Heading 2. You document will now have a structure and formatting similar to the following with default styles of Heading 1 and 2.
  7. If you type more texts as sub sub-chapters under each of the sub chapters and then apply Heading 3 for them, you will have something like in the following image.
  8. Now save your document and give a name as Academic Document. We will need this document in next tutorials.
The Academic document  is the learning tools that is used throughout the process of learning how to create academic documents.  I recommend you to follow all the above steps in the creation of Academic Document, and save it yourself to local computer. Following the above steps yourself allows you to have a feeling about all the process involved. But, I have also created the Academic Document myself and store it in Google Doc. You can go to Google Doc to preview the Academic Documents and download it.


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